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5 New Rhyming English Poems For Kids To Recite

 5 New Rhyming English Poems For Kids To Recite

"Writing Rhymes for kids is not an easy job". Neither making them recite is easy because all kids want to do nowadays is to sit around and play some cool video games. It is rare to see a five-year old "Bookworm" these days because children are afraid that someone might call them a "Book Worm"!

However, reading is a life long requiring skill but kids are not interesting in reading but it is certain that they may be good listeners. The outcome is it's a good news for you. you can engage your child in reciting poems and eventually he would be attracted to read one himself. They might listen you recite poems for them and eventually recite themselves.

Children really love reciting poems because they are pleasing to the ear and are easy to memorise.

Here is list of 5 new rhyming English poems for kids to recite, they are super duper easy to memorise. These poems are designed accordingly to the taste of our young fellows in poetry. Kids like funny and energetic poems about the daily things they are interested in like some kids like to recite adventure poems some like to recite poems about the sun, stars and space some may like a poem about the swing, and some may like a poem about butterflies, some may like a poem about hide and seek others may love poems about games such as the game of Tic Tac Toe a few may like a poem about the seesaw some even like to recite a poem for their lovely pets. The key is that it depends upon your kid that what type of poem he wants to recite and get himself hooked on to. They might love to recite them and thereafter read one themselves and eventually write one of their own.

Now, who doesn't wants a shiny smile on the face of your kid. So, let's get going!

Kids playing with a swing.

The Swing - A Poem About Swing

O swing, swing, swing, swing,
A creaking cracking song you sing,
Up and down, to and fro you go,
My little unicorn, my swing o!

O swing, swing, swing, swing,
A shimmering shinning smile you bring,
One-two-three, here I go,
My little rocket, my swing o!

O swing, swing, swing, swing,
How do you fly without a single wing?
You shoot, I scream and up we go,
My little swing, my swing o!

O swing, swing, swing swing,
I am tied to you with magical strings,
My lovely, I a can never let you go,
My little swing, my swing o! 

sea-saw-song - A poem about seasaw.

See-saw-song - A poem about Seesaw

O see-saw, see-saw, see-saw,
She saw me first , say she saw,
O see-saw, see-saw, see-saw,
He saw me first, say he saw,
O sit silently, said see-saw,
Seek the sky, sing see-saw song,
Shout together scream "we saw!"

Kids playing hide and seek.

Hide and seek - A poem About Hide and seek

Hide and seek, hide and seek,
Where should I hide I think I know,
Maybe in a mole hole or behind a pole,
But the hole is tiny the pole is so!

Hide and seek, hide and seek,
Where should I hide I think I know,
Maybe at Tim or in the gym,
But Tim is out and gym is closed though!

Hide and seek, hide and seek,
Where should I hide I think I know,
Maybe in the closet or in the kitchen,
But my little kitten is sleeping though!

Hide and seek, hide and seek,
Where should I hide I think I know,
Those bushes are the one and only place,
Oh! let me dear, let me go!

Hide and seek, hide and seek,
Where should I hide I do know,
Just calm down and take a breath,
The turn is your to count so!

The game Tic Tac Toe.

Tic-tac-toe - A Poem About Tic tac toe

Tic-tac-toe, Tic-tac-toe,
another shiny tick to go?
one tick and I am in,
three ticks will sum my win!

Tic-tac-toe, Tic-tac-toe,
where did his one cross go?
another turn and he is out,
to reap a loss all about!

Tic-tac-toe, Tic-tac-toe,
are ticks and crosses foes?
Like I am my opponent though,
while playing Tic-tac-toe!


Butterflies - A Poem About Butterflies

O butterflies, sweet butterflies, butterflies dear,
The sweet spring is near, maybe you are here,
Butterflies, butterflies, butterflies so sweet,
Neater than nightingale's note and cuckoos tweet!

Red butterflies, orange butterflies, butterflies all,
Like leaves in autumn from roses they fall,
Lighting up spring's purple pink skies,
Drifting and flapping go butterflies!

O dragonflies too huge, fireflies too small,
Butterflies in every shape are best of all,
Butterflies wander here, butterflies wander there,
Butterflies on fluffy dandelions, they wander everywhere!


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