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Best Sad Poems And Poetry About Life That Will Make You Cry

 "Life" as the name suggests is not one whole thing, life comes in small pieces or offerings. These smaller pieces or components sum what is called "life". These small pieces are known as the aspects of life. These include Happiness, sorrow, pain, bliss, heart break, ecstasy, excitement, fear, anger, disgust, anxiety and many more. Life is always exciting because we never know what comes next? we will never know which flavour will be dominant at some point in our lives? These all aspects are the ingredients of life which make it exciting!

Have you ever wondered what would it be like if only one aspect is abundantly found in life? What-if salt is present in more quantity in a dish more than it is required? or what-if  sugar is present more in a dish than it is required? the simplest answer to this would be the taste of the whole dish will be ruined and no one will have interest in tasting it. The same case is with the recipe of life. All the ingredients in it i.e sugar and salt are balanced giving out the perfect outcomes which everyone wills to taste or live!

Sorrow or sadness is yet another aspect of life which an individual taste time and time again. sadness or sorrow is an essential component of life which teaches us life-long requiring lessons. But it doesn't means sadness will last forever. Nothing in life lasts forever including sadness. In fact, sadness is a sign that happiness will soon arrive in life.

Sadness is a feeling to let go off. The best ways to let go of sorrow or sadness is reading, and motivating yourself, by staying positive and writing or sketching out your feelings. Believe me this helps a lot!

Another way is through reading. Reading creative pieces like poetry help a lot to get over this feeling. Here you shall discover the best sad poetry and sad poems in English about love, life, loss and depression, that shall reinvent your life or feelings to change your perspective and make you think about life in whole new positive way. Let's get going!

The Clown - Sad Poetry About Life

The theme of this poem is also sorrow or sadness. The main idea of this poem is that sorrow is of heart even the most happiest of them as it seems is affected by an aching heart which is filled with darkness and sadness inside.

Sad poetry about life.

As the sun goes down,
The silly old clown,
By castle gate lies,
His last joke is a sigh,
Till the roaster gets his crown,
When hush turns to rush,
In the busy ancient town,
For the silly old clown!

Breaking Walls - A Sad Poem About Life

This poem revolves around the fact that we are responsible for our destruction.

A sad poem about life.

We make rules,
We break rules,
We make walls,
We break walls.
We make pills,
We take pills,
We make deals,
We break deals,
We make thus,
What breaks us!

Mending Scars - Sad Poetry About Life

The theme of this poem is sadness or sorrow. This poem revolves around the fact that time is responsible for all the scars we get. But we don't need to worry because time is also responsible to heal them.

Sad poetry about life.

Mend my scars, o time!
But can you mend them all?
I get stains whenever I stay still,
I get scars whenever I fall!

Mend my scars, o time!
Can you mend those you can't see?
The ones that you can't bear,
Are the ones you gave me!

Mend my scars, o time!
Can you mend those you can't see?
The ones that hurt, I fear!
Are the ones you gave inside of me!

Mend my scars, O time,
I wish whenever I see shooting stars;
Mend my scars, O time!
O time, Mend my scars!

The Puzzle - A Sad Love Poem

This is a mourning of a lover, who still thinks that his love will return.

A sad love poem.

I can't solve the puzzle,
You leaving with the last piece of the puzzle,
Leaved me puzzled,
Now, I long for your return,
With the last piece of the puzzle,
So we can solve this,
Unsolved puzzle!


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