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Newton's Law - Funny Science Poems You Should Read

A man sitting under a tree.

Nobody in this world can't deny the fact that science has given birth to a countless wonders and our lives revolves around them. First of, we wake up in the morning we hurry to the bathroom where most men found themselves next to a beard trimmer then many of us depend upon electric tooth brushes nowadays to get ourselves ready which are merely the products of science and technology. Next off, we stroll downstairs where we make ourselves some refreshing coffee or tea in an electric kettle to kick-off our day. Some of us receive daily mails via the internet to our smartphones. We hurry towards our driveways and ride in our cars to our work places where we find ourselves surrounded by technologies. Indeed we are surrounded by science and technology and no one can deny that.

Science and technology in some ways keeps all us connected or other times it keeps us isolated. But the bottom line is our daily life depends upon science and it's technologies which makes our daily lives way more easier and joyful.

If we dive deep in the definition of science and it's history; science actually is the knowledge which is gained through observation, experimentation and experience. Sometimes, this particular experience can be fun but in other times it can be devastating. Whenever we talk about science we come through some great names like Einstein, Aristotle, Robert Hooke, Thomas Edison, and many more. These scientists were truly the milestones in the history of mankind. There efforts are the reason science and technology is progressing rapidly.

One of these great scientists include Sir Isaac newton who is known for his discovery of the gravity. This discovery include a famous background event that occurred with newton thousands of years ago!

The plot states that newton was sitting under an apple orchard on fine summer evening. Suddenly, a ripen apple fell from the tree when newton's mind was struck with the idea of gravity.

Perhaps, a poem is a perfect way to retrace this event in a more interesting and a funny way. This event is retraced in the funny science poem given below called "Newton's Law" with the exception that what-if the apple instead of falling on the ground would have fallen on newton's head? Would the outcome be the same i.e the gravity? Would that be something else? find out below!

A truly funny and humorous science poem retracing and recreating the famous event that occurred with Sir Isaac Newton a thousand years ago.

Newton's Law - A Funny Science Poem You Should Read

A statue of Sir Isaac Newton.

Once upon a fine summer day,
Under a tree a man would lay,
This man wore no helmet, no hat,
Unaware such tree can cause threat;

In a jiffy whirling through the air,
Comes a ripen apple and lands there,
On the top of this man's bare head,
Men came thinking that he was dead.

Whoever asked, his experience sums;
Not wearing a helmet is dumb,
Nor bold men under trees must lay,
Especially that on a summers day!


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