We often ask ourselves questions such as; Who am I? Where did I came from? Why I was born? Why am I like this? What are my special powers? and so on. These are called the basic questions of life and such questions arise in our minds through our senses and curiosity to discover ourselves. The element that makes us humans special is that we ask questions about our existence and our surroundings. In a nutshell, striving for the answers of those questions sum the purpose of life and living! Keeping the discussion in context here you will discover the short rhyming poems about being yourself featuring the motivational poem "I am a poet" and many more. So, let's get going! I Am A Poet: Short Rhyming Poems About Being Yourself I am a poet, A poet am I, Why am I a poet, I never knew why? I am a poet, About night I write, Afraid when even, The day is bright! I am a poet, Afraid to be, The voice that rings, Inside of me! I am a poet, With broken wings, A bird in cage, That still d...
Splendid Poems is the perfect space around for real poetry lovers who get their kick-start energy or motivation from reading poetry. Here, you will discover deep inner emotions dressed into words and then stacked over one another in the form of verse. Here you will discover the best Heart felt and soulful poems about different aspects of life such as sorrow, bliss, failure and heartbreak that shall melt your heart and inspire you to breathe your precious lives!