It is said that "The purpose of life is to find the purpose of life". But sometimes we agree with this opinion that "The purpose of life is to be happy". Although this is true but the recipe of life contains many other essential ingredients such as sorrow, grief and failure which we often try to avoid. these important ingredients from our recipe of life are not as such impurities or unnecessary, but the truth is that these elements make our life's recipe sweet as well as sour because sourness alone may feel good and sweetness may taste better but both together taste best. Like, it takes thunder and rain to make the colourful rainbow and it takes one and one to make two in the same way if we sum joy and sorrow the product is a perfect yet imperfect life! The best way to sum all of this together in an effective way is in the form of a poem or more specifically " Deep Poems About Life ." The given below are a few deep poems about life. The Broken Ship - ...
Splendid Poems is the perfect space around for real poetry lovers who get their kick-start energy or motivation from reading poetry. Here, you will discover deep inner emotions dressed into words and then stacked over one another in the form of verse. Here you will discover the best Heart felt and soulful poems about different aspects of life such as sorrow, bliss, failure and heartbreak that shall melt your heart and inspire you to breathe your precious lives!